All members are encouraged to take part in these LWMGA member-only special events
that are scheduled throughout the season.
If you are interested in helping or have any questions about these events,
please contact the persons listed below using e-mail when possible.
Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.
Before the entry deadline, send a completed entry form and the nonrefundable $10 per person entry fee (fee includes 2 mulligans) to:
Shelly Herrod
Jody Best
Important: If you sign up and cannot play,
please notify Shelly or Jody as soon as possible!
The starting times are subject to change. Modified shotgun starts
have been requested for most events but are subject to golf course approval
depending upon the number of participants, which would need to be at least 48 to
52 participants or more. For additional information check back here or call the
golf course for your exact tee times approximately one week prior to the event.