Standing Rules
Constitution—Last Revision: April 2023
Section 1.
This organization shall be called the Lincoln
Women's Municipal Golf Association.
Section 2.
The purpose of this association is to promote
and encourage the playing of golf by women, to teach golf etiquette
and rules, and to support the development of public golf.
Section 1.
Membership shall be open to all women age 19
and over who reside in the City of Lincoln or within 45 miles of the
Main U.S. Post Office at 700 R Street, OR to all women age 19 and
over who are employed at a business with a Lincoln address.
Section 2.
Participants of LWMGA golf events must hold
current memberships. Guest Days and Invitational Tournaments are the
Section 3.
Girls age 18 and under may obtain GHIN services
via the LWMGA. They will be called Junior GHIN memberships.
They will not have any regular LWMGA membership benefits.
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Section 1.
The officers shall consist of President,
President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Section 2.
The term of President and President-Elect is one
year, with the President-Elect succeeding the President the following
year. The Treasurer and Secretary each hold two-year terms. The
Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected on alternate years. The
Treasurer will be elected to serve on the odd-even years; i.e. elected
to serve as an officer for the 1993 and 1994 golf seasons, etc. The
Secretary will be elected to serve on the even-odd years; i.e. elected
to serve as an officer for the 1994 and 1995 golf seasons, etc.
Section 3.
Election of officers shall occur at the annual fall
meeting after a slate of nominees are presented by an appointed
nominating committee. Nominations from the floor are also open.
Section 4.
The Executive Board shall consist of the President,
President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Handicap Chair, Membership Chair,
and Special Event Chair(s). All board members have voting rights.
Section 5.
The President will appoint the necessary committee
chairwomen for the ensuing year.
Section 1.
There shall be two annual association meetings, one
in the spring and one in the fall.
Section 2.
Executive Board meetings shall be held a minimum of once a quarter, as needed.
Section 3.
Special meetings of the association may be called
by the President, majority of the Executive Board, or two-thirds of the
association's membership.
Section 1.
The Articles of the Constitution may be amended by
a majority vote of members present at an association meeting. Notice of
a proposed amendment must be posted 7 days prior to the meeting.