The annual dues of this association shall be $18 plus the
current NGA Handicap Service fee. After August 1, the dues for the
remainder of the year shall be $8 plus the current NGA Handicap Service fee.
Junior GHIN membership dues shall be $5 plus the current
NGA Junior Handicap Service fee.
The association's newsletter called Golfabout shall be sent
out as needed to the membership.
Weekly tee times at the public golf courses will be
requested from the City of Lincoln's Parks and Recreation Department each year. The
official request forms are sent to Parks and Rec during the off
season before January. The following daily play tee time information
will be requested from the City of Lincoln's Parks and Recreation
For morning play, the days, locations, and tee times are:
Monday = Mahoney Golf Course
Tuesday = Holmes Golf Course
Thursday = Pioneers Golf Course
Friday = Highlands Golf Course
The tee times are dependent on the time of year:
APRIL = 11 a.m.
MAY = 10 a.m.
SEPTEMBER = 10 a.m.
OCTOBER = 11 a.m.
For afternoon or evening play, the days and locations
Tuesday = Holmes Golf Course
Wednesday = Highlands Golf Course
Thursday = Mahoney Golf Course
Tee times will be requested somewhere between
4:00 and 6:15 p.m. and will vary among
the days.
The handicap posting season for Nebraska is from March 15 - November 15.
The LWMGA will host various special events throughout the
season. All events are dependent upon participation and may be canceled due to
low interest. The Club Championship will be coordinated by the Executive Board.
All other special events will be coordinated by the Executive Board or appointed
The LWMGA Club Championship is open to
all current LWMGA members with an established GHIN handicap.
The tournament will be a two-day event. It will be held on
a Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday. If the days are to change, it must be decided no later
than the fall association meeting so the dates can be reserved in January with the courses.
*Gross Score = Total number of strokes.
*Net Score = Total number of strokes minus handicap.
*The Club Champion will be the player with the lowest 2-day total gross
score. (The Club Champion may come from any flight. In the event of a tie for Club
Champion, there will be a sudden death play-off.)
*The Low Net Winner(s) will be the player(s), under age 60 on the first day of the tournament, with the lowest 2-day total net score. (The Low Net Winner may come from any flight. Ties will not be broken.)
*The Senior Low Net Winner(s) will be the player(s) age 60 or over on the first day of the tournament, with the lowest 2-day total net score. (The Senior Low Net
Winner(s) may come from any flight. Ties will not be broken.)
*Super Senior Campion(s) will be the player(s) age 70 or older on the first day of the tournament, with the lowest 2-day total gross score. (The Super Senior Champion(s) may come from any flight. Ties will not be broken.)
Number of flights will be determined according to the number of participants.
Flights will be labeled 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
At least three places will be awarded in each flight.
Ties within flights will be broken by card play-offs.
Participants will be flighted by handicap index prior to the start of the
If the range of handicap indices within any flight is less than 5, the winner of
that flight will be the player with the lowest 2-day total GROSS score, OR else
the winner of that flight will be the player with the lowest 2-day total NET
Winter Rules will apply (play ball up in fairway).
Flag prizes are optional.
For the two-day event, total each player's gross or net scores, depending on the designation of their flight, for the four most difficult
holes each day (based on the course handicap). The lowest total for those eight
holes will be declared the winner. If still a tie, proceed to the fifth most difficult hole for each day.
If still tied, proceed to the sixth most difficult hole for each day, and etc.
The LWMGA shall join the Nebraska Women's Amateur Golf
Association by paying their annual club membership dues. This entitles our club
to representation on the NWAGA Board of Directors. A NWAGA Board Representative
and one alternate shall be appointed by the President of LWMGA.
- The Standing Rules may be amended or suspended at any
association meeting by a majority vote. No prior notice is needed to take
- The duties of the officers and committee chairwomen are as
follows. Transfer of duties to newly elected officers will commence following the fall meeting:
Schedule and preside at all meetings; be an administrative officer.
Set dates and make application to the courses for weekly tee times.
Work with the pros at the golf courses.
Review the Constitution and the Standing Rules for any necessary changes.
Perform duties of the President in her absence.
Coordinate and advise the Weekly Event Chairwomen.
Take minutes of all meetings.
Collect membership dues.
Preside at budget meetings.
Pay all bills as approved.
Keep accurate account of receipts and disbursements.
Make financial reports at meetings.