1-2-3 Cha Cha Cha - September 28, 2004
My goodness, where has the year gone? The final
event on our LWMGA calendar is here, already. Our tournament coordinators
(Cheryl Ober and Carol Finn) were able to get us another shotgun start at
Mahoney Golf Course for the 1-2-3 Cha Cha Cha Tournament. The format
for this event was a new one for the club and from the sounds coming from
several ladies after the event it was a resounding success.
Sadie says....oh, I forgot to introduce you to Sadie.
Due to our moving to shotgun starts for most of the events this season,
it becomes rather difficult to get a wide variety of shots to add to these
little summaries. Therefore, I've asked Sadie to give me a hand when
images are in short supply. So say hi to Sadie!
Howdy Ladies!!!
The weather was again a pleasant surprise.
Sun shining, not a cloud in the sky, and low winds.....ugh.....remember
the good ole' Nebraska saying.....wait 10 minutes and things will change.
Well, it did.
As the day progressed the Nebraska winds kicked in and by the end
of the round many of us were feeling a bit beat up. It was a chore
to get to the tees. And once you hit the ball you never knew where
it would end up. In front of you or behind you.
But for the most part we have been very lucky this year to not have had
to fight this wind earlier. And we had no rain so what are we complaining
about right? Right.
But the day was not without some little difficulties that we all can run
into when playing golf. A few have been provided for your entertainment.
The ball in divot shot, the mud on ball issue, and the ever present
talent of some players to remove everything around and under the ball in
one piece. These are the shots that make us the creative individuals
we all are. And who can resist a challenge.
So after a tough day on the course, congratulations to the winning team
of Susan Holland, Sandy Gonnerman, Linda Perry, and Mary Ryan. Good
job ladies and way to handle the elements.