Saturday, April 27 Tee off Classic at Pioneers 9:00 a.m. |
shotgun start. |
Sign up as an individual player. The Committee will form teams. Play will be a Scramble format. |
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Saturday, May 18 Cha-Cha-Cha at Mahoney 9:00 a.m. |
shotgun start. |
Sign up as a four-person team. Each member of the team plays her own ball throughout. The three
lowest net scores on the par 3's will be the team score for that hole. The two lowest net scores will be
the team score on the par 4's. On the par 5's you will count just one low net score. |
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Saturday, June 8 Red Hat Guest Day at Pioneers 9:00 a.m. |
shotgun start. |
Sign up as a four-person team. LWMGA members are encouraged to bring guests. Play will be a
Scramble format. Wear your most outrageous red hat. |
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Saturday, July 13 Sizzling 6 at Holmes 9:00 a.m. |
shotgun start |
Sign up as a two-person team. Each member of the team plays her own ball throughout. The format is
6-6-6. 6 holes best ball, 6 hole alternate shot, 6 holes scramble. |
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Sat & Sun, August 24 & 25 Club Championship at Pioneers/Mahoney |
Tee times beginning at 8:00 a.m. each day. Low handicaps will go out early on day one, higher
handicaps will go out early on day two. |
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Sunday, Sept. 8 4-Club Par 3 at Ager 1:00 p.m. |
shotgun start. |
Sign up as a two-person team. Each player plays 18 holes with 3 clubs of their choice and putter. Best
individual score is used for each hole. Wear your favorite team colors. |
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Sunday, Oct 6 Fall Fling at Holmes 1:00 p.m. |
shotgun start |
Sign up as a four-person team. This is a scramble format. Members are encouraged to bring guests
and/or family member(s). Wear your Halloween costume. |
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Also of note: Lincoln Women’s City Tournament Saturday, June 22 at Holmes; Sunday,
June 23 at Pioneers; Monday, June 24 at Hidden Valley. |
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For more information contact:
Shelly Herrod – shelly.herrod62@gmail.com or 402-309-4900 |